The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is very amenable to genetic modification. From the adult fly laying eggs to the 3rd instar larva we’re preferentially working with, it only takes 7-9 days. Using genetic toolboxes developed by other scientists, we can tag our protein of interest with fluorescent markers, or remove a protein the role of which we want to study.
Since its initial use by William Castles and Thomas Hunt Morgan more than 100 years ago, Drosophila melanogaster has become one of the most heavily used model organisms to study a diverse range of biological processes including genetics, embryonic development, learning, aging, and neurobiological processes. Its initial use by Morgan redefined the theory of heredity by discovering genes and found that they are located within chromosomes. This led to the first of six Nobel prizes awarded for Drosophila research (the others were awarded for the discovery that mutations are caused by X-ray, for founding the field of evolutionary developmental biology, and for the discovery of olfactory receptors, the innate immunity and finally of the circadian rhythm).
Interestingly, one convention unique to Drosophila was introduced by Morgan: the naming of genes in accordance to the phenotype their knock-down causes: the first mutation ever isolated is known as white, causing white instead of the wild type red eyes. Over the years, this convention has also led to somewhat entertaining names as “cheap-date”, naming flies that suffer from a reduced alcohol tolerance; or the opposite situation “happy hour”, naming flies that show an increased tolerance (Corl et al., 2009; Moore et al., 1998). For the research questions our lab is focused on, Drosophila is unique in its advantages. These include a relatively short generation time of about 10 days (see life cycle), an every growing genetic tool box allowing tissue- and even cell-specific expression or knock-down of genes of interest but especially a tremendous applicability to scientific methodologies (see methods section). Furthermore, 75% of all known human disease related genes have a recognizable counterpart in the Drosophila genome (Jennings, 2011) making it a perfectly suited tool to not just understand the molecular underpinnings of humans diseases, but also to study the function of these molecules in the healthy organism.